What: 2nd X-FLEX project review meeting
Where: Albena, Bulgaria
When: 15th – 16th June, 2022

On the 15th and 16th of June 2022, the X-FLEX consortium gathered again after more than 2 years of online meetings!
The review meeting took place in Albena, Bulgaria where attendees could visit the generation and flexibility units available onsite: 27 kW of photovoltaics installed on the roofs of different hotels of the resort, a battery with 200 kWh capacity, 6 boilers to cover the space and water heating of hotels.
A bit further away, a biogas powerplant of 1 MW is running with the food waste recuperated by Albena’s hotels as well as maize silage cultivated around the plant.
Albena is a very interesting pilot and has problematics that X-FLEX tools address by enhancing the microgrid observability and controllability and eventually exploiting the flexibility available onsite.
Our laboratory develops the market mechanism tool MARKETFLEX which will substantially support the biogas power plant for participating in the tertiary reserve market to demonstrate the cooperation between the microgrid operator of Albena and the national TSO. From the LEST side, Ms. Chloé Fournely, Mr. Matej Pečjak, Mr. Tomi Medved and Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina attended the meeting and presented the progres of our tasks.
We are glad that our project officer and the external project reviewer appraised our project as meaningful, and on the right path to success.
It was also extremely pleasant to meet again with our partners and spend time together.