What: X-FLEX 7th General Meeting
Where: Online
When: 14th October 2021

On Thursday 14th October, the X-FLEX consortium gathered again for the 7th General Meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to get acquainted with the latest challenges of the project, first review meeting results and present the development of the X-FLEX tools.
From the LEST side, Ms. Chloé Fournely, Mr. Matej Pečjak, Mr. Edin Lakić and Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina attended the meeting and presented the progress of the tasks related to Monitoring of risks, Long-term grid planning, Design and development of Value analysis tool and MARKETFLEX tool.
The 7th general meeting was also used as an opportunity for a kick-off meeting for the work package dealing with Impact assessment and replication, which started this month and is led by the LEST team.
In addition to the work on the Impact assessment and replication, LEST team activities in the following months will be focused on the development of the MARKETFLEX tool, its implementation at the project pilot locations and updates on the Grid planning tool.
Stay tuned on X-FLEX progress by checking the website and subscribing to its newsletter!