What: MASTER’S THESIS ON THE RESCOOPVPP PROJECT: Cooperative trading strategies for flexibility in distribution system
Where: online, Graz University of Technology
When: July 2022

Jasmin Pfleger comes from Austria and has just finished her master’s degree in Biorefinery Engineering with the presentation and defense of her master’s thesis „Control strategies for flexible assets in the distribution system“in an online exam at the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz).
She decided to do her final master’s thesis with the topic in collaboration with LEST in the scope of the REScoopVPP project. She worked as an intern at our lab from October 2021 until April 2022. She was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina, head of laboratory Tomi Medved, PhD, and researcher Jernej Zupančič.
The examination board consisted of Prof. Sonja Wogrin and Prof. Lothar Fickert from Graz University of Technology and Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina from University of Ljubljana. The topic of her thesis included the development of a simulation model to act as a virtual experimental ground for the examination of the impact of various control strategies on households and grid conditions. These strategies will later be employed in the COFY-box developed during the REScoopVPP project and should help optimize the self-sufficiency and self-consumption of households as well as provide some aggregated flexibility in the system to counteract the volatile renewable energy production. To show this in a comprehensible manner, different levels such as the household level and pilot scale were considered. The data was provided by project partner Energent for the pilot site in Belgium.
We wish you all the best in your future career and we hope that our paths cross again.