LEST team at IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference
What: LEST team at IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference
Where: Grenoble, France
When: 23.-26.10.2023

At the end of October, the IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023 conference was held in Grenoble, France. The conference was organised by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and Université Grenoble Alpes. The IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference is an IEEE PES flagship conference organized in Europe. It addresses power grid modernization and the applications for the wide use of information and communication technologies for more intelligent operation of electric power systems and integration of renewable and distributed energy resources. This year’s conference theme was “Powering solutions for decarbonized and resilient future smart grids”.
This year’s conference was attended by our laboratory members Matej Pečjak and Jernej Zupančič. On the second day of the conference, Matej presented a paper entitled Detecting suspicious behaviour in power consumption with Fuzzy Logic, in which he presented part of the research activities carried out within the X-FLEX and STREAM projects. In addition to the conference, Jernej also attended the REscoopVPP project meeting. Besides their professional activities, our colleagues also used their stay in France to get to know the city of Grenoble, where many of the former students hosted by the Laboratory for Energy Strategies (LEST) over the years come from.