What: 15th Slovenian Conference CIGRE-SIRED
Where: Laško, Slovenia
When: 19th – 21st October 2021

After the absence of the face-to-face conferences in almost the last two years, the representatives LEST team participated in the event which was held in Laško. The 15th Conference of Slovenian Electric Power Engineers CIGRE-CIRED took place between 19th and 21st October. LEST collaborated in the preparation of seven technical papers.
In connection with the X-FLEX project two articles were presented; “Conditions for Implementation MARKETFLEX Tool on the Local Flexibility Markets” by Ms. Chloé Forunely and “Design of a Grid Planning Tool for LV Networks with High Penetration of Distributed energy resources and flexibility provision” by Mr. Matej Pečjak.
COMPILE project was represented with three papers:
- Energy Community Luče (presenter Gašper Artač, PhD),
- Pilot Tariffing of Citizen Energy Communities – Simulations and Real Case Study Luče (presenter Mr. Leon Maruša, Elektro Celje),
- Island Operation of the Low Voltage Network Using Battery Energy Storage System (presenter Mr. Miran Rošer, Elektro Celje).
The topics of CROSSBOW were elaborated in one paper, the same goes for the REScoopVPP. Mr. Jan Jeriha presented “Cross-border Trading Platform for mFRR and Example of Social Welfare Calculation”, Ms. Beatriz Ildefonso “REScoopVPP – a Community-driven Virtual Power Plant That Provides Flexibility Services to the Grid”.
It was a pleasure to attend the live event after a long time and see familiar faces. We hope to see you again soon!
CIGRE and CIRED are the leading global communities for the collaboration and sharing of knowledge between power system experts. Slovenian CIGRE-CIRED, established in 1992, is the National Committee and local representative organisation of global CIGRE and CIRED. The conference is the largest expert gathering in the Slovenian power system sector and allows meeting the greatest experts and companies that shape the Slovenian electric system of today and tomorrow. Through technical papers participants have an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and experiences.