Jan Jeriha, M.EE. Researcher, PhD candidate
Jan Jeriha completed his master’s study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana in 2018. His master’s thesis titled: Agent-based control of flexible consumers in the distribution system, was supervised by Prof. Andrej Gubina, PhD. The thesis focused on enhancing power quality in low-voltage grids, integrating demand response units through the use of reinforcement learning.
In March 2018, Jan joined the Laboratory of Energy Policy (LEST) as a researcher and began his PhD studies later that year. Early in his career, he contributed to two Horizon 2020 projects: CROSSBOW and COMPILE. In CROSSBOW, he concentrated on developing common European balancing markets, with a particular emphasis on South-Eastern Europe, while in COMPILE he focused on energy communities and the decarbonisation of energy supply.
Currently, Jan is involved in two Horizon Europe projects: STREAM and SynGRID. Since October 2022, he has served as the Deputy Project Coordinator for STREAM, which aims to create a flexibility ecosystem and utilise small-scale flexibility solutions. In May 2024, he began leading his first project as the Project Coordinator with SynGRID, a Horizon CSA project that seeks to enhance institutional and regional innovation in Widening countries by capitalising on completed H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, specifically aiming to improve management, observability, and controllability of low-voltage grids.
Jan’s research primarily explores European energy markets and the role of small-scale flexibility in the controllability of the distribution system. Additionally, he focuses on the local flexibility markets, with an emphasis on congestion management and DSO ancillary services, as well as the integration of storage technologies into both the grid and market.
Since 2018 Jan is also the president of the Slovenian Chapter of the IEEE PES (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Power & Energy Society).