What: X-FLEX 3rd General Meeting
Where: Online
When: 2nd June 2020

The partners of the X-FLEX project met at the 3rd General Meeting which was held online. The main aim of the event was to discuss the key aspects of the developments reached so far and the milestones ahead.
UL representatives and LEST team members assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina, Mr. Tomi Medved, PhD, Mr. Edin Lakić and Ms. Chloé Fournely attended the meeting. LEST members presented the ongoing tasks that the team is leading.
Ms. Chloé Fournely introduced the risk management measures and the methodology for defining KPIs in order to assess the project’s success. Besides, the methodology for long-term grid planning for LV networks were discussed with partners and further defined.
Mr. Tomi Medved, PhD, presented MARKETFLEX tool and described it in a more thorough manner, detailing the future market designs that will be implemented and tested in pilot sites. Future advancements will be the design specification of MARKETFLEX tool for Slovenian and Bulgarian pilot sites.
Although the online meeting was successful and very productive, the consortium is looking forward to the next face-to-face gathering.