Slovenian Energy Forum: ‘How is the energy sector preparing for a sustainable tomorrow?’
What: Slovenian Energy Forum: ‘How is the energy sector preparing for a sustainable tomorrow?’
Where: European Union House, Ljubljana
When: 23 November 2023

How is the energy sector preparing for a sustainable tomorrow? This was the central question of the first Slovenian Energy Forum conference held at the House of the European Union on November 23, 2023. At the event organized by the Transformation Lighthouse organization, representatives from the government, industry, expertise, and non-governmental organizations spoke. They discussed the pivotal period in which we are directing our focus towards sustainability and the urgent need for changes across the broad spectrum of the energy sector, from strategic decisions to concrete measures.
The event was also attended by the head of our laboratory, Tomi Medved, who highlighted the challenge facing Europe: devoting funds for the development of technological solutions without ensuring their efficient implementation. According to him, investments should be made in low-voltage grids and energy communities, citing a good example of best practice in the energy community of Luče, which is part of the EU project COMPILE. However, he stressed that a necessary strategy should come from the state to support these initiatives.
The fairness of a green sustainable transition, the innovations needed and the current climate situation were discussed: Tina Srešen, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Energy, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Roman Bernard, n-gen, Member of Parliament Tomaž Lah, Jonas Sonnenschein Umanotera, Domen Kodrič the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), Lidija Živčič Focus Association for Sustainable Development, Mojca Vendramin Eco Fund, Črt Poglajen, a sustainability energy expert, Violeta Bulc, Vibacom, Ecocivilization, and former European Commissioner for Transport, David Batič, the Energy Agency, Jošt Štrukelj, Suncontract, Jakob Gajšek, the Ljubljana University Incubator, and Izidor Ostan Ožbolt, Youth for Climate Justice.