What: REScoopVPP 5th General Meeting
Where: Lisbon, Portugal
When: 26th – 28th January 2022

On the 26th to 28th of January the REScoopVPP project consortium gathered in person in Lisbon and on Zoom for a hybrid 5th General Meeting. This included 22 team members from 12 project partners across 7 European countries.
Updates were presented on the status of the pilot sites and development of hardware control as well as policy recommendations and communication’s next steps. The current version of the COFY-Box system solution was demonstrated by technical partners, including hardware components and the customer dashboard. The development roadmap and a workshop on possible scenarios for COFY product group. were held by REScoop.eu, EnergieID and BBEn. Afterward, the meeting closed with the closing session on the project outlook and next steps.
Mr. Jernej Zupančič and Ms. Jasmin Pfleger from the LEST team represented UL during this 5th General Meeting. They provided insight on the modelling and simulation of the Flexible assets in the low voltage networks.
More information about the project is available on its website.