MEDPOWER 2018 and best student paper at SAEE 2018

MEDPOWER – Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion took place in Cavtat, near Dubrovnik, Croatia.
UL representatives and LEST team members assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina , Tomi Medved and Jan Jeriha attended the conference and presented at various Special Sessions. Special sessions for CROSSBOW project, STORY project and COMPILE project were held.
Assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina was a session chair for Flexibility session that held six presentations from INESC TEC, LIST, MINES ParisTech and Imperial College London.
What: 2nd Scientific Conference of SAEE
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 22nd November 2018
Slovenian Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) organised the second Scientific Conference on the premises of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana.
UL representatives and LEST team members Edin Lakić and Jan Jeriha attended the conference and presented papers.
Edin Lakić presented two papers for CONSEED project, focusing on survey results of Consumer’s Energy Efficiency for different consumer groups (households and industry).
Jan Jeriha presented his master’s thesis titled “Agent-based control of flexible consumers in the distribution system”. He received the reward for the best student paper.