
Master’s Thesis in Collaboration with LEST

November 15, 2023

What: Master’s thesis in collaboration with LEST

Where: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana 

When: October 2023

In last days of October, we celebrated the successful defense of master’s thesis by our student, Blaž Pavlič under the supervision of  Prof. Andrej F. Gubina and the co-mentorship of our colleague Tomi Medved. 

The master’s thesis examines the integration of RES on agricultural land using agro-photovoltaic (agrovoltaic) systems, driven by the increasing importance in recent years of finding new measures to address climate change and transition to renewable energy sources (RES). Agro-photovoltaic involves the installation of photovoltaic power plants (PV) on agricultural land, allowing the same land to be used for both energy production and crop cultivation. 

The laboratory is pleased to extend its congratulations to Blaž Pavlič for his successful defense of his master’s thesis and wishes him ongoing achievements in his future pursuits.