INCREASE: Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources
INCREASE focused on how to manage renewable energy sources in LV and MV networks, provide ancillary services towards Distribution System Operators (DSOs) but also towards Transmission System Operators (TSOs), in particular voltage control and the provision of reserve.
Five scientific and eight industrial partners participated in the project INCREASE (“Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid by developing control strategies and using ancillary services”) which aimed to solve these problems with innovative three-phase grid-connected inverters and new operational and control strategies in order to maintain the ability of the system to provide the consumers with reliable supply of electricity at an acceptable power quality level.
INCREASE investigated the regulatory framework, grid code structure and ancillary market mechanisms and proposed adjustments to facilitate successful provisioning of Ancillary Services (AS) necessary for the electricity grid operation, including flexible market products. It enables DRES and loads to go beyond just exchanging power with the grid which will enable the DSO to evolve from congestion to capacity manager. This will facilitate higher DRES penetration at reduced cost. The simulation platform will enable the validation of the proposed solutions and provides a tool for the DSOs to investigate the DRES influence in their network. Not only by lab test at TU/e and at Lemcko (UGent), but also real field trials in Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands validated the INCREASE solutions.
The aim of the project was to develop control strategies, test them and assess options to provide ancillary services.

EU research project
Sept. 2013 - Dec. 2016
Budget € 4.303.859,35
Ghent University