X-FLEX and the development of flexibility and aggregation in Slovenia
What: X-FLEX and the development of flexibility and aggregation in Slovenia
Where: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
When: 15th of September 2023

On September 15th, an insightful event unfolded at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana, centered around the advancement of flexibility and aggregation within power networks.
Firstly, Matej Pečjak, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Bojan Stojanović, Petrol, presented the X-FLEX project – Integrated Energy Solutions and New Market Mechanisms for an Extended Flexibility of the European Grid – with a focus on the tools developed during the project to exploit flexibility and the Slovenian demonstration sites of the project in Luče and Ravne na Koroškem.
Mr. Boris Turha, Elektro Ljubljana, presented a pilot project on the use of flexibility provided by network end-users and aggregators. Flexibility offers are submitted through the flexibility registration and procurement system, which is part of the portal Moj elektro.
Mr. Andraž Kordeš, Borzen d.o.o presented the activities and the current status regarding establishing a flexibility market in Slovenia and the operation of an independent aggregator on electricity markets. The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion, in which all participants of the event also took part.
During the discussion, various representatives of companies operating in the electricity supply chain highlighted the importance of a common baseline methodology for the determination of activated flexibility and common rules on flexibility pricing as a key issue regarding the use of flexibility.