Visit of the Finnish president and CIGRE-CIRED conference
What: 14th Conference of Slovenian Electric Power Engineers CIGRE – CIRED and Visit of the Finnish president Sauli Niinistö
Where: Laško and Suha, Slovenia
When: 21st – 23rd and 24th May 2019

During the official two-days stay in Slovenia, the President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö together with the Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia, visited the Suha village. In Suha the testing of the state-of-the-art technologies for electrical energy storage is underway in the frame of the EU H2020 project STORY, which LEST team is also involved. The Finnish president visited the site because STORY is coordinated by VTT Technical Research Center from Finland. Presidents explored the demonstration polygon for testing various technical solutions for controlling voltage conditions and balancing the consumption of electricity.
In the same week, the CIGRE-CIRED Association organized the 14th Conference of Slovenian Electric Power Engineers in Laško, where the Slovenian electrical power engineers shared their experiences and knowledge with leading experts in Slovenian electrical power sector.
The LEST members substantially contributed to the conference. Prof. Andrej Gubina moderated the section Smart grids. Mr. Tomi Medved presented an overview of the COMPILE project and the status of the local energy communities in different EU member states. The activities of the Slovenian power exchange BSP Southpool and CROSSBOW project were presented by Mr. Jan Jeriha. Mr. Edin Lakić discussed about Slovenian power exchange as part of the integrated European market. The analysis of large scale storage implementation in distribution network and the results of the STORY project were presented by Mr. Jernej Zupančič.
LEST team members received award for the best contribution entitled “Advanced control of electrical storage units in distribution networks”, which has been presented at the previous 13th Conference of Slovenian Electric Power Engineers (Maribor, 2017).