What: Presentations of French students on internship in LEST
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 22nd of July 2019

In Laboratory for Energy Policy we currently have few foreign interns. As usually, first Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina briefly presented the LEST and then it was our guests’ turn.
Maya and Fanny are students of French school Ense3 – Grenoble INP and are cooperating on a project STORY, while Cyrielle is enrolled in Polytech Nantes, Engineering School and is working on a COMPILE project. All three students have joined LEST team for 10 weeks’ internship.
Valentin is a student of Ense3 – Grenoble INP as well and is with us since February. As his 6 months’ internship is almost over, he presented to us his research and conclusions mainly connected to the COMPILE project.
We would like to thank you for your presentations and contribution so far and we wish you a lot of success in your future research.