The STORY partners VTT, Think-E, Elektro Gorenjska, their subcontractor Sipronika and Laboratory of Energy Policy (University of Ljubljana) had a meeting with ABB to discuss potential solution for Slovenian demo sites storage implementation. The meeting took place at Elektro Gorenjska Headquartes building. STORY partners presented situation of the Elektro Gorenjska demo sites, locations, network structure, proposed storage utilizations, algorithm design and simulation results.
Afterwards ABB presented their solutions for storage implementation. Their proposed product for the demo was presented, together with description of each system components, additional communication options and shape of the entire system. Initial session ended with lunch at Elektro Gorenjska restaurant and field trip to demo site Suha was organized afterwards. Active discussion was present throughout the whole meeting, especially in the working plan session, where details were discussed and agreed upon. As a result of the meeting, amendment plans, timing schedules and actions were defined.
The meeting ended with dinner, where existing and future STORY partners tried some of the traditional Slovenian cuisine.