What: RESCoopVPP 2nd General Meeting
Where: Online
When: 1st February 2021

For its second Consortium Meeting, the partners of the RESCoopVPP project met online to discuss the state of play and achievements since September 2020. After a recap of upcoming deliverables, each Work Package leader proceeded to present the main developments, challenges and milestones for the next 3 months.
As a follow-up to this meeting, some workshops were planned to address concerns identified during the meeting, from technical to branding matters. A presentation on Use cases, Business models and how-to workshop this topic with the relevant partners was also planned as a follow-up.
UL representatives and LEST team members Assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina and Ms. Beatriz Ildefonso attended the meeting.
Follow the progress of the project through Twitter and the official webpage.