Invited lecture: From wholesale electricity trading to retail market
Date: 30. 11. 2017
Time: 17:00
Location: FE Diplomska soba
Hosts: IEEE PES and LEST
Slovenian Section IEEE PES and LEST invites you to
Invited lecture: From wholesale electricity trading to retail market
Guest lecturer: Borut Kozan, PhD, Petrol d.d.
Thursday, 30th of November, 2017, at 17:00, in the FE Diplomska soba
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, Ljubljana.
Kindly invited!
Due to the limited number of seats and for easier event planning, please register at jernej.zupancic@fe.uni-lj.si
The Laboratory of Energy Policy organizes the first lecture in a series of IEEE invited lectures. The guest lecturers will give insights from the industry. The first lecture will be held in FE Diplomska soba, Faculty of Electrical Engineering on the 30th of November 2017. The topic of the first lecture will be: From wholesale electricity trading to retail market. The first guest lecturer will be Borut Kozan, PhD from Petrol d.d.. In an hour and a half long lecture, the challenge of electricity trading from the wholesale market to the final consumer will be presented. The lecture is intended for students of the undergraduate and postgraduate studies of Electrical Engineering and all those interested in the subject.
A former member of the LEST and guest lecturer dr. Borut Kozan
Dr. Borut Kozan participated in the Laboratory as a young researcher from the industry. His field of research included modeling of the electricity market with an emphasis on agent systems, the modeling of the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the economics of investments in energy systems and the modeling of random processes. He completed a PhD in the Universidad Pontificia Comillas within the Institute for Research and Technology. After his PhD he worked at GEN-I and is now employed Petrol d.d.