What: COMPILE 5th General Meeting
Where: Online
When: 25th November 2020

After almost half of the year and before the December holidays start it was time for the project consortium to meet again. Despite the hope it could be a face to face event this time, the restrictions allowed only an online meeting. 13 project partners from 7 different EU countries were represented by 28 team members.
No matter the pandemics circumstances, also the work on the pilot sites is intensively progressing. Technical deployment is in its last stage and the integration of COMPILE tools is running according to the plan. Thanks to the amendment project was prolonged for 6 months so it now lasts until October 2022.
UL representatives and LEST team member assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina, Mr. Tomi Medved, PhD, Ms. Marjana Harej, Ms. Chloé Fournely and Mr. Edin Lakić attended the meeting.
More information is available on the project’s website.