8th Photovoltaic conference
What: 8th Photovoltaic conference
Where: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 14th of June 2022

On the 14th of June Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universitiy of Ljubljana held the 8th Photovoltaic conference. Various experts presented the latest trends in research and development of solar cells, photovoltaic modules, concentrators, or photovoltaic systems and discussed the development of the Slovenian photovoltaics market.
At the Photovoltaic conference our colleague Jan Jeriha presented Compile Project and the establishment of an Energy community in Luče.
Slovenians are also making a significant contribution to the development of the photovoltaic industry. At the beginning of this year, Mr. Marko Jošt from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana and his colleagues produced a perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cell with the highest ever 24.2% efficiency of converting light energy into electricity, and Mr. Marko Topič from the same faculty has been the chairman of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) for several years.
If you missed the conference, it is available on YouTube.