What: 1st International Cooperation Group Meeting
Where: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 22nd – 24th January 2020

COMPILE coordinator, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Energy Policy, hosted Prof. Pramod K. Singh from the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) during the 1st International Cooperation Group Meeting.
In the first part of the meeting Assoc. Prof. Andrej Gubina and Mr. Tomi Medved, PhD, presented the project and its partners and Prof. Singh their institute and cooperatives in India. The main part was the discussion about plans for international cooperation and upcoming meetings, study visits and summer schools. The first summer school, which will be joined also by students from IRMA, will take place in Slovenia in June 2020.
International cooperation is one of the most important areas in COMPILE as it will provide additional insights and feedback and help us to investigate possible new market for our solutions. IRMA is one of the two international partners which are included in the project.
Both partners are very much looking forward to the next steps of the cooperation.
More information about the project is available on the official website.