Foreign exchange
Leah Doeallmann, Germany

Uni. of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany

March - June 2021

Implementing design in the project work

Mountains, cultural diversity, beaches and food

Leah Doeallmann, Germany
Uni. of Applied Sciences Potsdam

LEST offered me an amazing opportunity to complete my bachelor’s thesis in a three-month internship, including practical and theoretical support and hands-on research via project work. Originally studying in the field of design, I was very glad LEST was open to new challenges and approaches and integrate design practice into their project on electric vehicle charging.

The internship helped me a lot envisioning a future career I can see myself working in and my studies profited greatly from the different perspectives and guidance of my mentor Mr. Tomi Medved, Ph.D. The whole team was super welcoming and made me immediately feel at home in the beautiful city of Ljubljana.

The city itself made it really easy to fall in love with – so much that I am really sad to be leaving! Adventurous mountains, cultural diversity, sunny beaches and fantastic wine – Slovenia has it all and accounts for many unforgettable memories. Overall, being in Ljubljana was one of the best times of my life and I am looking forward to returning as soon as I get the chance!

Being in Ljubljana
was one of the best
times of my life!