
IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2016
What: IEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe 2016
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 9.-12. 10. 2017
IEEE ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) is one of the most recognized and largest conferences in this field which attracts participants from all over the world and the papers from the conference are also published IEEE Xplore. In Ljubljana there were 255 registered participants and around 50 other participants. You can get more information about the conference with pictures and other things on ISGT website.
Topics of ISGT Europe 2016 were:
- Smart grid technologies (for power generation, transmission & distribution systems, and energy conversion & storage devices),
- Smart grid communications and information technologies,
- Distributed energy resources and network integration,
- Electric vehicle applications and system integration,
- Micro-grid applications and islanding operation,
- PMUs, smart grid measurement, protection, control & operation,
- Physical, cyber and system security for smart grid,
- Computation intelligence and IEDs for smart grids,
- Sensing, communications and smart metering infrastructure,
- Demand side management, smart buildings and home automation,
- Diagnostics, self-healing and reliability of smart grids,
- Power quality issues and FACTs devices,
- Electricity markets, incentives, regulation and pricing,
- Smart grid interoperability, standards and codes,
- Data analytics,
- Smart energy systems.