7th Balkan Power Conference BPC 2008
What: 7th Balkan Power Conference BPC 2008
Where: Šibenik, Croatia
When: 10.-12. 9. 2008
The Balkan Power Conference is a crossroads for ideas among operational boards, researchers and policy-makers in the power sector of South-Eastern Europe, where the changes such as the privatization and the restructuring are in a full swing. Following the gradual market development across the Balkan region, we are to witness the establishment of a common Regional Electricity Market of South-Eastern Europe. Strong cross-border transfer connections have already enabled better cooperation between these countries, which makes BPC an important source of information for all the experts in the power industry of the Balkans and the neighbouring regions. The Conference is a forum for discussion, a place to share your knowledge, expertise, and exchange ideas on technical, economic and legislative issues as to the future challenges for the Balkan power industry.
Laboratory for Energy Policy hosted the 7th Balkan Power Conference 2008 in a row, and this time it took place in Šibenik, Croatia. With more than 150 experts in science and industry, BPC 2008 represented the meeting point of regional power industry.
The conference program includes the following topics:
- Security of Energy Supply,
- Investment Opportunities in the Balkan Region towards Energy Independence,
- Privatization of the Power Sector,
- Cross-border Energy Trading,
- The Influence of Renewables on Electricity Grid Operation,
- Regulatory Incentives for Renewable Energy,
- Renewable Energy Sources and the Environment,
- Energy Efficiency,
- CO2 Emission Trading Schemes, JI and CDM Projects: Experiences and Opportunities,
- Climate Change: Policy and Measures,
- Clean Coal Technologies and CO2 Storage.
In addition, the BPC Conference 2008 held an international seminar on Biomass Energy Utilisation and a student paper contest including fine awards and one-of-a-kind experience.