BioEnergyTrain GM
What: General Meeting of the H2020 BioEnergyTrain project at the annual ESEIA meeting
Where: Brussels, Belgium
When: 6th – 8th November 2017

The international team of the Horizon 2020 BioEnergyTrain project has met on the semi-annual general meeting at the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (Eseia) annual conference, held in Eseia’s premises in Brussels between 6. – 9. November 2017.
In addition to the General Meeting, the BioEnergyTrain team, headed by the Project Coordinator Brigitte Hasewend, held the External Advisory Board meeting, a workshop on content development and e-learning platform. The high-level results of the project activities in 2017 include the Regional Student Camp organized by Energy Agency Styria between 26. February – 2. March 2017 in Graz, and 2. International Summer School in Dubrovnik, Croatia. They were presented to the External Advisory Board, and valuable comments and suggestions were harvested that will be used in the future project work.
More information here.