CROSSBOW Second Project Meeting
What: 2nd Project Meeting
Where: Belgrade, Serbia
When: 12nd – 14th March 2018

Out of total 24 consortium partners, involved in the CROSSBOW project, 23 have met in Belgrade (Serbia) for the second project meeting. The project meeting was hosted by EMS (Elektromreža Srbije).
UL representatives and LEST team members assoc. prof. Andrej Gubina ,Tomi Medved and Jan Jeriha presented the progress and activities performed since the first meeting in Sofia (Bulgaria). LEST team presented the review of emerging smart grid business models and work related to socio-ethical aspects. LEST team also presented the Use Cases for the HLU9: Transnational Ancillary and wholesale market.,
Project coordinator ETRA announced that the 3rd Project Meeting will take place in Montenegro in the beginning of July.